How To Get a Flat Stomach - 40 Best Ways List

How To Get a Flat Stomach - 40 Best Ways List

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One of the biggest questions that people have is how to get a flat stomach. They aren’t sure exactly what to do or what will help them achieve this. Because of this, this article was put together to help people understand it better. You’re now going to be able to see 40 different ways that will help you get a flatter stomach.


The Different Ways on How To Get a Flat Stomach


One of the most important things that you should do when trying to get a flat belly is to exercise. Keep in mind that just exercise or just eating healthy isn’t going to work. You have to do stuff together in order to get the results you want.

Exercise has numerous benefits on our overall health.

In terms of exercise, there are so many different types that you can do. A few you want to make sure you get in are: cardio, strength training, and resistance training. Cardio is any kind of workout that gets your heart pumping fast, strength training is when you use things like weights and machines to help strengthen different parts of your body, and resistance training is something that gives resistance in order to strengthen your muscles.

Some people also don’t know what they need to do to strengthen their core. This is when you do exercise that strengthen your main muscles, like abs, back, and pelvic. You could do things like crunches and squats.

With that being said, you also want to make sure you incorporate other types of exercise as well. The best thing about these activities is that there are multiple places you can do them and each of these places are best for different exercise types.

For starters, an actual gym would be great for the heavier machines and strength training. Most of them have several types of equipment, including: treadmills, ellipticals, row machines, weights, and machines that are specifically used to strengthen your body. Some of them even have swimming pools.

If you aren’t worried about any of the heavy machinery, you could work out at home by watching videos of things like cardio, yoga, and pilates.

Finally, if you just want to get a quick workout in and don’t feel like watching any videos or using any equipment, you can always go to somewhere like a mall or park and walk around. You should walk at least 30 minutes but, if you’re up for it, you can definitely walk longer and as long as you want.

  • Do core strengthening.
  • Do training that is high-intensity.
  • Walk at least 30 minutes every day.
  • When exercising, make sure you’re standing and not sitting.
  • Do a lot of resistance training.
  • Make sure to do some cardio.
  • Incorporate planking into your workouts.
  • Adding some boxing or martial arts.
  • Try to do some crunches while exercising.
  • Using a medicine ball and weights in your training.



The next thing you can do to help get a flatter tummy is take supplements. While this isn’t something that’s mandatory, it can only help. This is especially helpful for people who naturally have a deficiency in their bodies.

The reason why it helps is because your body needs all of it’s vitamins in order to do what it needs to. These supplements keep your body working in tip top shape and it can also help ensure that other issues don’t pop up.

For instance, taking probiotics can help keep your digestive track working and keeps you going to the restroom regularly. In addition to keeping your body working, having the correct amount of vitamins and minerals, you’ll also start feeling a lot better and feeling like you have a lot more energy.

This will also help in your journey because you’ll have more energy to do the exercises and workouts that you need to. If you don’t really want to have to take a bunch of different supplements everyday, there are some that have multiple vitamins and minerals.

While this can help you take less pills, you want to make sure that each pill has the amount of vitamins that you need. The biggest reason why this is important is because if it doesn’t have the right amount, you won’t get the full benefit and it’ll be like you aren’t actually taking it at all, which would entirely defeat what you are trying to do.

The best way to see how much of each vitamin is in the supplement is to look at the nutritional label on the back.

  • Probiotics(these are microorganisms that help with digestion)
  • Fish oil
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Bilberry(made from the bilberry fruit)
  • Green tea extract
  • Forskolin(made from the Indian Coleus plant)
  • Caraway seeds(these seeds are from plants in the parsley family)
  • Relora(combination of 2 different Chinese tree barks)
  • Take 7-keto(helps speed up metabolism)

It should be noted the different options in this category should not be your main or primary method.


Nutrition Tips

The next step you can take is to watch your nutrition. This is so important because having too much of certain things can really have negative effects on your body and actually make your stomach get bigger instead of smaller.

For starters, you want to reduce certain things, such as: sodium, alcohol consumption, added sugars, and refined carb intake. Having too much of these can do quite a few things, including: severe thirst, kidney stones, stomach ulcers, bloating, heartburn, skin issues, fatigue, and gas.

A lot of these will also make your stomach grow bigger. While these are physical symptoms, some of the health conditions that can pop up are: diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and liver diseases. Just like with the physical symptoms, these diseases can also make your tummy bigger and make you gain weight.

In terms of actually eating, you want to make your portions smaller, eat slower, and make sure you chew well. Not only will this make you fuller faster, but you won’t overeat and make your stomach distend or bloat.

Fasting and eating foods that don’t have dairy and gluten could also help because you might have an intolerance. One of the biggest symptoms of intolerance is bloating, which will make your stomach look bigger than it is.

The best thing to do is just be mindful of your nutrition and really watch your intake of different things. If you think you might have an intolerance, make sure you aren’t eating any of those foods either because they can do more harm than good.

  • Try doing a dairy and gluten free diet.
  • Reduce your sodium intake.
  • Try eating slower and chewing more.
  • Increase the amount of fiber you get.
  • Make your portions smaller.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
  • Reduce how much added sugar you consume.
  • Try doing intermittent fasting. This means you fast for awhile then eat then fast again.
  • Make sure you are tracking everything you eat and drink.
  • Reduce your carb intake, namely refined carbs. These are the carbs that have been processed.


Meal Ideas

The final thing you can do on how to get a flat stomach is watch what you eat and make sure you’re eating healthy foods and drinks. In terms of drinks, you want to stay away from anything that has a lot of sugar, such as soda, because this will make you gain weight and make your tummy grow bigger. Good alternatives to drink are: plain water, green tea, and hot water with lemon.

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water because it will flush out any toxins in your body and help your stomach get smaller. Another thing you could try is drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with cranberry juice. This has been proven to not only detoxify your body, but also help you lose weight.

A great healthy food is eggs, mostly because they are chock full of nutrients. There are several ways you can prepare eggs but keep in mind you don’t want to fry or deep-fry them. You also want to make sure you limit your table salt intake because it can cause many bad symptoms and sea salt or kosher salt are much healthier alternatives.

Finally, keeping a journal or ledger of everything you eat and drink, as well as their nutritional value, will help you see how you’re doing. You want to make sure you write everything included in the meal and maybe even write down the date and time that it was consumed.

  • Drinking hot water and lemon.
  • Having pineapple as a little snack.
  • Drinking peppermint tea.
  • Try drinking protein shakes.
  • Adding apple cider vinegar to your meals or drinking it with cranberry juice.
  • Stay away from liquids that are high in sugar, such as soda.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eating more eggs (However, watch weekly limits for excesses).
  • Drinking green tea.
  • Using sea salt or kosher salt in place of table salt.

Diet is important to getting a flat belly. There are a number of other healthy foods you can incorporate in your diet!

As you can see, while these ways are simple, they will really help you in your journey to getting a flatter tummy. The biggest thing you should do is make sure you stick with it and get a good routine. Don’t break away from it and you have to make sure you’re consistent with everything you do. You can also do several of these together to help ensure you’re doing everything you can. Doing these things will give you the results you want in not time!



With so many people wondering how to get a flat stomach, here are 40 ways that can help you achieve this. They are broken into groups so it’s easier to take in. All of these methods can be done together in order to get your stomach where you want it.

We will keep updating them in due course!


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