Cappuccino Calories and Nutrition Facts

Cappuccino Calories and Nutrition Facts

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Nearly all people who love coffee, can enjoy a good cappuccino. I enjoy the espresso and the steamy milk foam of a well prepared cappuccino. It can make any day deliciously more content. Perhaps you enjoy a good cappuccino as well, but you aren’t certain about the nutritional facts of the beverage. Or you’re wondering if a cappuccino will fit into your new diet plan. The following is a helpful breakdown of the calories within a cappuccino beverage.

How many calories in a cappuccino?

The calories within a cappuccino are based upon the amount you are drinking. Typically, a cappuccino is made up of two shots of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. On average people drink a mug of cappuccino. A mug sized amount (or about 8 fluid ounces) of cappuccino has about 74 calories in it. An estimated 36 of the calories are from fat, which is about 3.98 grams of fat.

A coffee cup size of cappuccino (or about 6 fluid ounces has 56 calories with 27 from fat. This amount of fat is about 2.99 grams worth. If you are trying to avoid consuming too many calories from fat, you can always look into reduced fat cappuccinos. A mug sized amount of a reduced fat cappuccino has 53 calories in it, and only 11 of those calories are comprised of fat. A coffee cup amount of a reduced fat cappuccino has a mere 40 calories, with 8 of those calories being from fat.

An interesting comparison between espresso and filtered coffee is there is a difference in the calories each one has. Brewed espresso -which is in cappuccinos- has about 2.3% of fat in it. Filtered coffee contains only .6% of fat within it. If you are a stickler to keeping your fat content down, you may want to stay with drinking filtered coffee and not espresso based beverages.

Other Caloric & Nutritional Facts

The other nutritional features to a cappuccino are: calcium, vitamin A, protein, cholesterol, sodium, sugar, potassium, and carbohydrates. The main healthy nutritional value to a cappuccino is calcium. There is about 11% of calcium in one coffee cup size amount (about 6 fluid ounces) of a cappuccino.

As you can see a daily or weekly cappuccino will likely not be detrimental toward any diet you may be adhering to. You should also take into account if you are drinking a cappuccino that uses steamed cream or milk or additional flavoring. A steamed cream cappuccino or a flavored cappuccino will have more calories in it. If you are overtly concerned about your calories from fat intake, a reduced fat cappuccino can help you stay on track and you can still enjoy a good cappuccino.

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